Christensen re-elected to Midland Power board

Midland Power Cooperative members reelected three incumbent directors and one new director on June 27 at the co-op’s annual meeting held in Jefferson. District 1 Director Randy Christensen of Scranton, District 2 Director Jim Byriel, and District 3 Director Joel Skow all retained their seats, while Francis Buckel was elected in District 4 to replace Tom Ingebritson, who retired from the board after serving for 29 years. 

Following the annual meeting, the board of directors met for their organizational meeting, selecting officers for the year.

Mike Coleman, District 3, will continue to serve as president. Rick Thompson, District 3, will continue to serve as vice-president. Randy Christensen, District 1, will continue to serve as secretary; Kim Rinker, District 1, will continue to serve as treasurer; and Joel Skow, District 3, will continue to serve as assistant secretary and assistant treasurer.

“Democratic member control is one the seven key cooperative principles,” said Midland Power CEO Bill McKim. “As a member-owned electric cooperative, our members play an important role in helping set the co-op’s direction. We rely on members to elect directors to represent them and determine the co-op’s policies and priorities. We thank the more than 1,500 member-owners who cast a ballot in this year’s board election for making their voices heard.” 

Midland Power Cooperative’s board is comprised of 12 directors, three from each of the co-op’s four districts. Directors serve three-year terms. Distrit 1 includes the west half (approximately) of Boone Count;, all of Greene County except Highland, Dawson and Paton townships; and small northern portions of Dodge, Richland and Dallas townships in Guthrie County and Spring Valley and Beaver townships in Dallas County.

More information on the Midland Power board of can be found at

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